An open door seldom passed through

I moved to a beautiful new apartment and was doing some ‘spring cleaning’ though we are in February and came upon a 2013 diary someone gifted me last year to use as a notebook.

The book had lots of pages remaining but served its time and I was skimming through it as I do with all books at that stage to tear out and hand shred its pages for privacy. I then saw a note I wrote which I now scribe to you with some minor edits.

The note was also found at an ideal time because I wrote a blog article two days ago that in the end I felt like I better just keep this as my personal reminder because it was an expression of how impatient I have become with those who shared a problem in their life (and admittedly some never outright asked for my help lol) and I offered a suggestion along the theme of what you’ll soon read and they don’t apply it. In fact, they do absolutely nothing to change their circumstance. They do however, return with the same problem and I wash, rinse and repeat. I am therefore relieved that this find is a similar, yet I believe and hope, more loving note of the same message.

In sharing this, I am not too focused on polishing it for reading, it may best serve you as a meditation of sorts or as something to read again. I hope you enjoy it and be blessed, I sure was when I read the original.

How many times and ways must we hear the truth? This is 2021 yet the truth has been repeatedly spoken of. As a man thinketh so is he. Your imagination and thoughts are things. Forgiveness and love brings peace. Love is a frequency and it is the highest in the universe.

If we know of and obey the universal laws, we would have very little to no need for the laws of man. How can it be that we still have poverty? And, respectfully, what is being taught at places of worship and why aren’t the attendees those with the richest abundance of inner peace, zero worries and world class financial success? Surely this is not all places so please note.

Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill, Earl Shoaf, Earl Nightingale, Eckhart Tolle and John Rohn and other like-minded.

How is it that we are still asleep? How is it that this truth is not taught in schools? How is it that so many people don’t know of these simple laws? Isn’t humanity about advancement? There is nothing new under the sun, nothing, just new technology. This is truly the era of the most evolved human yet-that’s what we say. In ways, we witness a slow hypnotism into dullness. It therefore makes me strongly believe that it is a scam – a plot to withhold because this information is so simple yet Earl Nightingale in his strangest secret in 1956 and me today in 2022 ponder as to how it still remains a secret. Yes Earl, our writings are 66 years apart but with the same wonder.

How can you succeed at anything without gaining full possession of your mind? Your mind is that powerful tool that does all things. It is the ONLY way. There is NO other way. We are gifted with full control yet we let our minds just flounder and then become no different from an animal which does not have, it seems, independent thought and free will and choice.

It’s the same story in different languages. Every desire for a change externally is a desire for a change in mindset.

James Allen, Joseph Murphy.

Gaining weight, loosing weight, getting the dream job, the dream degree, dream partner, dream body and getting money.

We become who we spend time with. We become what we place our minds on. It is true. It is true. That what we think, ponder, imagine, give our dominant emotions to will appear before our eyes. Gently take a long look at your physical life circumstances and say to yourself “I have created this”. It does not matter what it is. Look at the car you’re driving, your home or room, your body in the mirror, your relationships (partially but more in another post), your job, your career growth and your bank account – you bought it all through and with your mind.

There is very little you can achieve in life until you accept personal responsibility for the state of your life which is the state of your mind. And I don’t mean a ‘yea yea yea’ brush off responsibility, I mean taking a moment (even 5 minutes) to acknowledge ‘this is me, all me, no one else but me’. You can even say ‘I see this fridge, this is my creation, I see this apartment, this is my creation’. ‘It is not the people at my job or my neighbour, it is me, how did I end up there? Oh, I thought myself there.’

And let us not lie to ourselves. When asked, we say that we are content with our creation because we don’t want to bother using the mind to achieve what we really want to achieve. Secretly most of us want more. Be honest in assessing your life circumstances. Let us jump off the roller coaster about what life has done to you and firmly accept what you have created in your life.

We cannot want something on the outside of our minds that is not in concert with our current state of mind. From my experience, it appears im-possible and I dare say that it is in fact impossible.

A failure or unwillingness to accept this places you in the irresponsible state, a hopeless lost marble, in the universe just knocking about at the whim and fancy of an imaginary ‘life circumstance’. A laziness or not wanting to accept responsibility. We come face to face with the mirror and realise it’s all up to me.

Do you know why we are driven insane at the dream not being realized? It is because our conscious spirit knows it is possible and we simply cry on the inside in disappointment. We are haunted not necessarily by what can be but that it can be. But man always has his mind and can therefore use it to achieve all things imaginable – all things. The entire universe responds to your very and every desire! It always has – look at your life and see your mind. Go back to source and change your mind. What is impressed is expressed.

“You are exactly where you are because that is where you want to be, whether you admit that or not” – Earl Nightingale.

We become what we think about and we therefore must gain full possession of our minds.  How do we do so? Well, that has been the most beautiful journey of my life with daily discoveries and ‘reset buttons’, aka being present. It is worth you venturing into this understanding of change because that is the only way our lives will change. Pass through the door.

Love Always,


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