Is the Daily Balance Sheet the “B-Complex” of Happiness?


At times we find ourselves a little burned out. A little down or even agitated or on edge. Even if this isn’t a one day feeling, it could be a low disposition that we carry around for a few months or even years. Our work and relationships reflect this uneasy emotional state and we try our best to figure out the core problem.

Your career may be taking off but your recreational activity is limited. You’re left feeling miserable and you overcompensate. This could mean more exercise or even taking a step back from projects at work. We do this in the hopes that we’ll feel like our old selves or be more settled.

The truth is, we hardly ever know which B-vitamin we’re missing unless we do a number of tests. Same with Life. One could assess each area of their lives, but in my experience, I’ve found it better to avoid too much analysis and simply keep a balance.

So one day I created a chart called The Balance Sheet. It’s a checklist/eco system of all things me. Aka, of all things that are important to me, that keeps me excited, blessed, grateful and going. It allowed me the freedom to do anything in the ecosystem rather than write a long list of bits of things to do.

My Balance Sheet is on a large whiteboard, I’m yet to erase it!


What’s on My Balance Sheet?

Balance Sheet







Spiritually is my guiding compass. It helps me remain calm, teaches me to love and how to approach everything in my life. Prayer, meditation, nature, stillness, healthy reading or a talk on spirituality is a must for my balance.

Next up is Health. Drink that water, eat that fruit and vegetable J This usually means I have lemon water, coconut water or just plain water as soon as I wake. I’m a yam, callalou and saltfish for breakfast kinda girl. I aim to maintain inner health throughout the day and drinking water conditions my mind to eating well. And please, I’m a foodie so I’m not rigid, I have fun :p Besides what I put into my body, I hike, jog and do crossfit. I cannot beam more on how much physical activity has kept me in tune!

foodiesfeed.com_water-with-mint-in-jug(1)Thirdly is love. Cue the violins! Though I’ve taken a break from the dating world, interaction with the opposite sex is part of my balance. Call it the male-female energy but I realize it’s a necessity for me! J This also means self-love and further recognizing my value and worth. Finally, it’s about taking care of me; hair, nails, dressing in a way that makes me feel glamorous.

Services. Offer an exceptional service that answers the needs of others and you’ll make mula. Simple! I don’t think of ‘job seeking’ or ‘client seeking’, I think of service to others. I focus on improving whatever service it is and there goes the career boost/balance. The service could be direct to a client or indirect by writing an article to serve your sector.

Community and giving to others form part of my spiritual purpose. Though my bank account may not agree as yet, I’m a billionaire philanthropist! Serving others through volunteering and mentoring also expresses my gratitude for those who help me along the way. We hardly progress unless we uplift others.

Last on the list but surely not least– Fun, Family and Friends. Movies, spending nights and days with my cousins of all ages. Engaging and being more available to jog with friends, beach, travel, cook together and laugh together. Socialisation improves our health and it’s an easy no effort thing to do.


Because everything’s grabbing for your attention, a healthy balance is good. It’s an eco system cycle-each area you invest in feeds into the other. You’ll know how much of what to do. Your body and joy compass will tell you what’s enough. Sure, athletes will do more physical activity and spiritual teachers will likely engage more with spiritual works and teachings.

Investing positively in the areas of life that matters to you means that you’re not ‘avoiding’ or running from FB because of a scrolling addiction. You have healthy activities to keep you engaged and away from the ‘poison’s you’re trying to avoid.


Your turn!

Think of the things that are most important to you. Write a long list, free style. Use your puzzle mind to piece together the similar things and create a label. Determine what you’ll like to do each day or at least once a week and at what times generally. You can now do these things in batches with your full attention. Remember, everything feeds into another.

Good luck with striking that balance and living a life of purpose. Tell us how it goes!


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