My 2 BIG Lessons

My 2 BIG Lessons Header



When I read commentary, I sometimes wonder if the writer genuinely wants to see progress or whether they simply wanted to publicly shame the person they are criticising. It seems like our world goes on and on with a back and forth banter, not with the facts in mind but with the person in mind. Even where it seems like objective criticism, they use earthly intellect of fancy expressions to insult, degrade and create enemy trenches all in a subconscious or conscious effort to bury their opponents. Sadly, even if some of what is being said is true, it is rejected because of the ingredients and how it is served: sans respect.

Before you publicly call someone out, ask whether it is your ego you are trying to inflate or if you genuinely want to see a change. If it’s the latter, reach out to them personally if you can, send a message or call. What will shock you is the amount of people that will be thankful and open up to what you have to say. If the reception is not good, please try again later. If it’s the former, ask yourself why do you so desperately want to boast to the world? Write down your thoughts if you must but don’t publish it. Always remember that Karma is real. The same yardstick you use, others will use it to whoop you. So be compassionate.

The Monster:Jackass merge FinalHow did I learn these two lessons? By being a bit in the public’s eye and by being the person behind some public things where I hear and read what people have to say. While I’ve always felt this way, the lessons of compassion and respect really came home to me big time in the past two years. Quite frankly, you are dehumanized. Apparently, as a leader or public person, you become this super power know everything hulk that can take every and anything.

Do you know why people are afraid to step out into the world boldly? Why they are afraid of doing it their way? It’s because of the very judgment we serve daily. “What will they say?”   “What will they think?”   “They’ll laugh at me” “They’ll talk about my shameful past” Isn’t it such a peculiar thing that we are afraid of our own insecurities because of others’ insecurities? Some folks criticise because of personal issues they have, they judge because they aren’t bold enough like you to step out. We’re always row row barking. What are we barking at? Is it our own reflection in the mirror?

Now tell the truth, if you could be yourself today without judgement of expectations or otherwise, what would your life be like?

Oh please Shalisha! The world is a mean place, if I don’t take my kid gloves off, someone else will. This is the real world! Are you trying to baby people?

This is not directed to the world, this is directed to you. We can’t avoid doing right simply because others do wrong. Showing love, compassion and respect is not babying someone, it’s simply showing love, compassion and respect.

So before we sound-off behind our screens or elsewhere, let’s ask ourselves –genuinely- what is our purpose? More specifically …

GWS-Is my commentary Intended to boost ego or help person grow?

Share this if you know someone being dehumanised by the public court of opinion.





One Comment

  1. Shalisha this post was food for thought. Keep up the good work.

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